Q&A Seminars
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Question & Answer Seminars
11:00 Capt. Richard Andrews Anything Red Drum Fishing
12:00 Anthony Woods Anything Wild Turkey Hunting
1:00 Capt. Ricky Kellum Anything Speckle Trout Fishing
2:00 Capt. Mark Nichols (D.O.A Lures) Anything Plastic Lures
3:00 Allen Bliven Anything Waterfowl Calling
11:00 Anthony Woods Anything Wild Turkey Hunting
12:00 Capt. Ricky Kellum Anything Speckle Trout Fishing
1:00 Allen Bliven Anything Waterfowl Calling
2:00 Capt. Mark Nichols (D.O.A Lures) Anything Plastic Lures
3:00 Capt. Richard Andrews Anything Red Drum Fishing
Note: New to the Expo this year you will be able to ask questions pertaining to the topic listed beside our speakers. Forty-five minutes devoted to one topic. Our speakers are experts in their field and are willing to share information.
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